First posted on Tumblr 5 July 2023
Following on from my post about my hopes for season 3 side stories, here is a list of what I hope to see for Kate and Anthony in season 3.
Lots and lots of dancing at balls. This is a given, it is book canon that Kate and Anthony always dance one more time than is deemed to be proper, and I would like to see this at least once, and maybe a gossiping woman commenting on how romantic it is.
Kate becoming the Viscountess
We know from some of the interviews with Simone Ashley that part of Kate's story is about her settling into her new role. With this I have seen some suggest there will be conflict, the ton will not accept her or her and Violet will clash, but I don't want to see this as I think Kate had a lot of conflict in her season, it is time for her to have acceptance and happiness. What I do want to see is Kate struggling a bit with her confidence because she wants to be the perfect Viscountess, and she tries to do everything exactly as Violet does. I would like Anthony and Violet to notice this and to reassure her. I think she will brush off Anthony reassuring her and tell him that he is biased, but I would like to see this be a point where her relationship with Violet develops, and Violet helps Kate understand that she can be whatever type of Viscountess she wants to be, and that Kate doesn't have to do everything the same way that Violet did it. I also don't want this to drag out, and be resolved within an episode or two, Kate doesn't need any more drama. Further to that I would like to see a scene with Anthony and Violet where Violet reminds him of his comment in season 2 saying he was looking for perfection and how nice it is that he has changed and chose a wife that he loved, and Anthony responds to her that he did choose perfection, because Kate is perfection.
Bonding with the younger Bridgertons
I would really love to see Kate bonding with the Bridgertons, we saw a little with Eloise in Season 2, and I can see her being another older sister for Francesca, however I really want her to bond with Gregory and Hyacinth as well. I don't want Kate to become a second mother to them, but more a favourite older sister and they gang up to tease Anthony, and maybe go for walks with Newton. I would just love to see some cute scenes with Kate and Anthony, and Gregory and Hyacinth.
Pregnancy and a baby
I know that it has been suggested by a blogger that Kate and Anthony should have an infertility storyline, I think the reasoning was some backhanded 'the actors are too good to not have something meaty'. This isn't me. I would like to see Kate pregnant, and I think we can see it impact more than one storyline.
Whilst I think it would be cute to see Kate tell Anthony she is expecting I think the reaction would be along the lines of what it was when she told him she loved him, so I can forgo that in favour of the pregnancy and maybe the birth in the epilogue with the family around, or late in the season.
I know some have suggested that Kate's pregnancy storyline could play in for Anthony and his trauma around Hyacinth's birth, but for me Anthony wasn't the Bridgerton most traumatised by Hyacinth's birth, Eloise was. I have always thought that Eloise being around Kate full time whilst she is pregnant will touch on her trauma a bit, and I can see this being something to create some wonderful bonding moments and growth for Eloise.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want a pregnancy storyline with Kate to be about Eloise, it will be part of her story, but the whole story shouldn't be about Eloise.
Kate being pregnant can help with the telling of her past. I can see this as being a time when she truly misses her mother, and I would like to see a story weaved into her being pregnant where she finds out more about her mother. In addition to her mother, I can see the anxieties Kate may feel about becoming a new mother and having a child making her more vulnerable, and this could increase her fear and anxiety around storms. In the books Kate's fear of storms is linked directly to her mother's death, so I would like to see elements of this brought into the show, and for Kate to learn more about her mother whilst also dealing with her fears/anxities around storms. In saying that I don't think the fear will be to the extent it is in the books, but I can see it being greater than expressed in season 2.
Doing their 'duty'
As a nice call back to the season 2 epilogue I would love to see them bring in 'duties' as Kate and Anthony's little code for when they are getting the urge to have some sexy times together, or for when they are late for family gatherings/balls etc. I think it would be a nice little fun way to tie the two seasons together for them.
I want to see Anthony call Kate Kathani in a number of situations, shouting it through the house when he is vexed at her (maybe over something Newton has done), saying it lovingly in bed, playfully in the drawing room.... just anytime really. I don't want the show to have put that in at the end of season 2 only to ignore it as Kate's name.
These are just some of what I would like to see for Kate and Anthony for season 3, but to be honest what I really would love to see for them can be summed up in one word - Happy.
Both Kate and Anthony have had a difficult, and mostly unhappy, past 8-10 years, so to see them happy, glowing and loving with each other will be perfect.
What would you add to this list for Kate and Anthony for season 3?