30 January, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Release Dates: An Easter Egg or a Coincidence?

In December 2023 we got the long awaited release date(s) for Bridgerton Season 3, and much to the disappointment of some, not only do we have to wait until May 2024 for the release, but it is being released in two parts.  The first part of Bridgerton season 3 is to be released on 16 May 2024, and the second part on 13 June 2024.  

Image via Bridgerton Official Social Media

In general these dates don't mean much, except for being late spring in the Northern Hemisphere (astronomical summer begins around 20 June).  However, it is generally considered in the fandom that nothing about Bridgerton is random, and everything is done deliberately - including the release dates.  The first season was released on 25 December, the second season was also on the 25th, this time March.  Queen Charlotte was released in May, but even that seems deliberate as the date of release was two days before the coronation of King Charles III, the first coronation in the United Kingdom for 70 years.  So, why 16 May and 13 June for season 3?  These are dates that seem to have no meaning at all, and for many in the fandom an early May release (or even late April release) seemed more logical, either to keep with using the 25th day of the month (25 April for example), or to tie in with the season before (2 May being two days before the anniversary of the Queen Charlotte release).  To move the release date to the middle of the month appears to abandon the meaningfulness previous dates have had, until you factor in the books, season 2 (and possibly season 4), and finally some meaning is brought to the release dates.  

Let's begin with the release date for part 1, 16 May.  This date is specifically referenced in only one book, The Viscount Who Loved Me, which was the inspiration for Bridgerton season 2.  In the second book of the series, on 16 May 1814, Lady Whistledown writes: 

"The deed is done! Miss Sheffield is now Katharine, Viscountess Bridgerton.  This Author extends the very best of wishes to the happy couple.  Sensible and honorable [sic] people are surely scarce  among the ton, and it's certainly gratifying to see two of this rare breed joined in marriage." 

We have no exact date of Kate and Anthony's wedding, but within in the Kanthony fandom it is believed that they married on 14 May in The Viscount Who Loved Me, two days before the announcement in Lady Whistledown, and it is the week in which 14 May falls that the fan week for Kate and Anthony is held within fandom spaces online.  This year Kate and Anthony Week takes place in the week 13-19 May, meaning that the release of Bridgerton season 3 part 1 is released during Kate and Anthony week.  

The second part of season 3 is releasing on 13 June.  As with the first release date, this date is also specifically referenced in only one book, this time An Offer From a Gentleman - Benedict and Sophie's book.   Lady Whistledown writes about both Penelope and Sophie on this date in the book. The entry reads: 

"La, but such excitement yesterday on the front steps of Lady Bridgerton's residence on Bruton Street!  First, Penelope Featherington was seen in the company of not one, not two, but THREE Bridgerton brothers, surely a heretofore impossible feat for the poor girl, who is rather infamous for her wallflower ways.  Sadly (but perhaps predictably) for Miss Featherington, when she finally departed, it was on the arm of the viscount, the only married man in the bunch.  If Miss Featherington were to somehow manage to drag a Bridgerton brother to the altar, it would surely mean the end of the world as we know it, and This Author, who freely admits she would not know heads from tails in such a world, would be forced to resign her post on the spot.   
If Miss Featherington's gathering weren't enough gossip, not three hours later, a woman was accosted right in front of the town house by the Countess of Kenwood, who lives three doors down.  It seems the woman, who This Author suspects was working in the Bridgerton household, used to work for Lady Kenwood.  Lady Kenwood alleges that the unidentified woman stole from her two years ago and immediately had the poor thing carted off to jail.  This Author is not certain what the punishment is these days for theft, but one has to suspect that if one has the audacity to steal from a countess, the punishment is quite strict.  The poor girl in question is likely to be hanged, or at the very least, find herself transported.  The previous housemaid wars (reported last month in This Column) seem rather trivial now."

The other thing to note about this date is that, as with the first date falling in the middle of the Kate and Anthony fan week, this date falls in the middle of Benophie fan week run in online fandom spaces. 

So the question is, were these dates chosen deliberately for release due to these reasons? Is this an easter egg for fans and hinting at Benedict being season 4 by releasing Penelope and Colin's season on dates associated with the couples whose season will bookmark them (Kanthony before and Benophie after)? Maybe, maybe not. Netflix are not unaware of the fan weeks, it has been flagged to them multiple times and they have posted more than once in support of the Polin fan week, so it is not inconceivable that they will do something for the Kate and Anthony week or the Benophie week. 

Of course the most likely scenario is that this is nothing more than a coincidence on the part of Netflix, but it is nice to imagine that Netflix did it deliberately and will also acknowledge the fan weeks of other couples, not just Polin, as it will help the perception that they are only interested in Polin and all the underlying connotations that has, and may go a way to enticing back the Benophie and Kanthony fans who are looking to abandon Bridgerton due to Netflix (and productions) perceived bias towards Polin. 

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