26 April, 2024

Does Bridgerton have too many Original Characters?

Despite being based on a book series the Netflix show Bridgerton has introduced many original characters over the seasons, characters that are not present in the book.  While some have contributed to the main storylines at points, some have been viewed as removing focus from some of the main storylines as well.

It is understandable why extra characters from outside the main protagonists are introduced into a screen adaptation, at 8 episodes of approximately 1 hour in length, the producers and writers need to have some storylines away from the protagonists, however, is this the best route to go in order to do justice to the Bridgerton stories that are meant to being told?

Image Credit: Netflix

In season 1 there were two reccuring original characters added, Queen Charlotte and Will Mondrich.  In the case of both of these characters their storylines intruded little on the main story being told, and both were connected to the protagonists and their story for the season and felt coherent.  

In season 2 both of these characters were brought back for storylines, however, unlike season 1 the storylines did not feel as coherent within the season.  Even though Queen Charlotte's story was connected loosely to the main story for the season - though not directly connected to either protagonist - that connection was more of a plot device to set her up for both the spin off and for season 3.  Queen Charlotte's storyline was also expanded within season 2 for this purpose.  Whilst we could see how Queen Charlotte was a character that was connected into the main story, Will Mondrich on the other hand felt more like his storyline was being shoehorned into the season just to keep him as a character. Will had no connection to the main story, and the loosest of connections to the Bridgerton family, with no real meaningful interaction. With the absence of Simon it felt like the writers struggled with how they could integrate Will into the season, however, despite the lack of cohesion and integration for this story it did not feel like Will's small storyline took away from the main story. 

Image Credit: Netflix

In addition to the return of Will Mondrich and Queen Charlotte, season 2 also introduced two further original characters with significant roles in the season, Jack Featherington and Theo Sharpe. Theo's story connected with Eloise, and to a degree with Penelope, and whilst he is an original character he felt like he was there in order to progress Eloise's character development, which I think he did. 

Image Credit: Netflix

It is the introduction of Jack Featherington which, I think, was the most problematic of the new original characters. His story was completely disassociated from the main story of the season, and had very little connection to either the main story or any of the Bridgerton family until the end - which in itself is a problematic issue with season 2 to be discussed in a separate post. The storyline with Jack and the Featheringtons felt out of place on a number of levels, and I don't think the season would have suffered if it had not been present, and this screen time given to developing Kate and her family more than they were. 

As we look forward to season 3, and the expansion of Will's part in the show, and another storyline with Queen Charlotte, there has also been a number of new original characters introduced yet again. To what degree they will take away from the main story is hard to tell. With the rumours/leaks of Kate and Anthony not being in part 1 beyond episode 1, it does make some question if they are being under utilised in order to make room for original characters, and even if not, if the show wanted to make a richer society and universe then why not introduce book characters that many know and love, we could have Edmund's sisters, or the Smith-Smythe family, all characters that are loved and consistently wished for in Bridgerton. 

We won't know if the number of new original characters being introduced in season 3 will be at the expense of telling the main story - or even the smaller Bridgerton stories, but there are many that believe that it may play a part in a diminished role for The Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton in season 3. There is also a belief that the introduction of Jack Featherington and the associated storyline was done at the expense of developing the first South Asian characters in Bridgerton, and with two of the three not returning, and one rumoured to be only in the first episode of part 1 there will no longer be the opportunity to explore these characters and their backgrounds, whilst the show focuses on one season original characters instead of developing multi season arcs for book characters. 

In conclusion I do believe that there are too many original characters in the show, many of whom are one season characters (Will Mondrich and Queen Charlotte being the exception), time taken to introduce the viewers to these characters and set up their stories could be used on developing better stories for the core characters, specifically the Bridgerton family and their spouses. If the show wanted to expand the universe more then they could have introduced book characters that already have a place in the universe that does integrate into the world established (eg: Smith-Smythe family are mentioned, and appear, in multiple books). 

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