30 April, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Speculation: Do the hints on Kate's part 2 costumes hint at her storyline?

In the promotion so far for season 3 we have only seen stills of Kate, Viscountess Bridgerton, from the first episode of the season.  Leaks have suggested that neither Kate nor Anthony will be in the first part of the season beyond episode 1, however, recent interviews with the costume designer and make up designer hints at Kate being more present in part 2 of the season, and the inspiration for her costumes.  What is interesting about these interviews, is what it potentially tells us about a possible story arc for Kate in part 2 of the season.  

As we know, Bridgerton uses the costumes, both through colour and fabric, to tell the story of the character, we saw it in season 1 with Daphne, and to a degree Simon, and we saw it in season 2 with Kate's journey being shown via her costumes, and her hair and make-up. From all indications season 3 will be no different in using costuming to tell the story of the characters. 

Image Credit: Netflix

In this interview with Vogue magazine, John Glaser, the costume designer for season 3 discussed the Indian influences in Kate's costuming during season 2, and when shifting to her look for season 3, is quoted as saying "...in the second half of the season, she becomes even more obviously influenced by Indian fashion. That's all I'll say...", hinting not only at Kate making a return in part 2, but also at a possibility of some aspects of her story arc. 

I believe it is possible that in part 2 of Bridgerton season 3 we will see a storyline for Kate that involves more connection to her past and her homeland than we have seen previously, however, what that storyline looks like is open to possibilities. Naturally within the fandom there has been discussion what the story could possibly be, three of which are below. 

The first possible storyline, and the one I think is most probable, is that of pregnancy. Kate and Anthony require an heir, and we know that Edmund is born in 1815, the year after their marriage, so it makes sense for the show to include a storyline such as this in the show.  I have always thought that a storyline involving Kate's pregnancy could be used to explore her past more, and for us - the viewers - to find out more about who she was before she came to England. The most logical way for this story to tie into Kate's past is via her mother, as Kate prepares to become a mother herself she will of course become more focused on who her mother was, and what she meant to Kate, this also would fit in with the idea of her costumes becoming more influenced by Indian styles of dress.  Also, it makes sense that Kate will return to a looser Indian style of dress during pregnancy rather than stay with the more restrictive English styles.  

The second possible storyline is a general story where Kate is perhaps starting to feel homesick, missing India, and she reflects on her past and home more, leading to her finding comfort in familiar things from home, including the style of dress. I don't see this as a likely story, it is boring and shows no growth for Kate, and would last about half an episode. 

A third possible storyline I have seen floating around the internet is that in part 2 we get some flashbacks/memories of Kate and Anthony's wedding and honeymoon.  In this article from Grazia India Erika Okvist talks about Kate and Anthony going to India on their honeymoon (I am trying very hard to forget that they wouldn't have been able to do the trip within 6 months), and I have seen it suggested that we could see aspects of this in part 2. Kate's wedding, and a return to India, would certainly ground her back in the traditions, including dress, from her homeland. As much as I would love to see these flashbacks I don't see them as likely at all. 

We won't know for sure how Kate's story will evolve in part 2 until June, and with that we won't know to what degree her costumes are influenced by her homeland, but I am hoping we will see her in a Saree. My biggest hope the direction of her costumes and dress is for it to be meaningful and not something that we see in passing, or once, and there is no follow through. 

26 April, 2024

Does Bridgerton have too many Original Characters?

Despite being based on a book series the Netflix show Bridgerton has introduced many original characters over the seasons, characters that are not present in the book.  While some have contributed to the main storylines at points, some have been viewed as removing focus from some of the main storylines as well.

It is understandable why extra characters from outside the main protagonists are introduced into a screen adaptation, at 8 episodes of approximately 1 hour in length, the producers and writers need to have some storylines away from the protagonists, however, is this the best route to go in order to do justice to the Bridgerton stories that are meant to being told?

Image Credit: Netflix

In season 1 there were two reccuring original characters added, Queen Charlotte and Will Mondrich.  In the case of both of these characters their storylines intruded little on the main story being told, and both were connected to the protagonists and their story for the season and felt coherent.  

In season 2 both of these characters were brought back for storylines, however, unlike season 1 the storylines did not feel as coherent within the season.  Even though Queen Charlotte's story was connected loosely to the main story for the season - though not directly connected to either protagonist - that connection was more of a plot device to set her up for both the spin off and for season 3.  Queen Charlotte's storyline was also expanded within season 2 for this purpose.  Whilst we could see how Queen Charlotte was a character that was connected into the main story, Will Mondrich on the other hand felt more like his storyline was being shoehorned into the season just to keep him as a character. Will had no connection to the main story, and the loosest of connections to the Bridgerton family, with no real meaningful interaction. With the absence of Simon it felt like the writers struggled with how they could integrate Will into the season, however, despite the lack of cohesion and integration for this story it did not feel like Will's small storyline took away from the main story. 

Image Credit: Netflix

In addition to the return of Will Mondrich and Queen Charlotte, season 2 also introduced two further original characters with significant roles in the season, Jack Featherington and Theo Sharpe. Theo's story connected with Eloise, and to a degree with Penelope, and whilst he is an original character he felt like he was there in order to progress Eloise's character development, which I think he did. 

Image Credit: Netflix

It is the introduction of Jack Featherington which, I think, was the most problematic of the new original characters. His story was completely disassociated from the main story of the season, and had very little connection to either the main story or any of the Bridgerton family until the end - which in itself is a problematic issue with season 2 to be discussed in a separate post. The storyline with Jack and the Featheringtons felt out of place on a number of levels, and I don't think the season would have suffered if it had not been present, and this screen time given to developing Kate and her family more than they were. 

As we look forward to season 3, and the expansion of Will's part in the show, and another storyline with Queen Charlotte, there has also been a number of new original characters introduced yet again. To what degree they will take away from the main story is hard to tell. With the rumours/leaks of Kate and Anthony not being in part 1 beyond episode 1, it does make some question if they are being under utilised in order to make room for original characters, and even if not, if the show wanted to make a richer society and universe then why not introduce book characters that many know and love, we could have Edmund's sisters, or the Smith-Smythe family, all characters that are loved and consistently wished for in Bridgerton. 

We won't know if the number of new original characters being introduced in season 3 will be at the expense of telling the main story - or even the smaller Bridgerton stories, but there are many that believe that it may play a part in a diminished role for The Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton in season 3. There is also a belief that the introduction of Jack Featherington and the associated storyline was done at the expense of developing the first South Asian characters in Bridgerton, and with two of the three not returning, and one rumoured to be only in the first episode of part 1 there will no longer be the opportunity to explore these characters and their backgrounds, whilst the show focuses on one season original characters instead of developing multi season arcs for book characters. 

In conclusion I do believe that there are too many original characters in the show, many of whom are one season characters (Will Mondrich and Queen Charlotte being the exception), time taken to introduce the viewers to these characters and set up their stories could be used on developing better stories for the core characters, specifically the Bridgerton family and their spouses. If the show wanted to expand the universe more then they could have introduced book characters that already have a place in the universe that does integrate into the world established (eg: Smith-Smythe family are mentioned, and appear, in multiple books). 

21 April, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Theory: Kate and Fertility Symbols

 NB:  I am aware that one of the stills released last week has many thinking Kate is showing a baby bump, at this stage I am not using that as confirmation for my belief that Kate is pregnant, as I am not sure that she has a baby bump in that picture, but rather that it is just the folds of the gown and a trick of the eye. You can read more about my thoughts on that in this Tumblr post. 

Last week I wrote a post about my thoughts on the title of the episodes in part 1 of season 3, noting that episode 2 was named How Bright the Moon, and that the moon contains symbolism relating to women and their fertility, I said that this could mean we see confirmation of Kate being pregnant in this episode of the season, with it being possible that episode 2 could be themed around women and fertility.  However, it is not just the name of this episode and the moon symbolism that suggests Kate's pregnancy in season 3, as we have seen Kate surrounded with symbols of fertility in much of the promotion for season 3, in addition to the season 2 epilogue.

Image Credit: Netflix
The epilogue of season 2 begins by showing us Kate and Anthony alone in bed, and the dialogue tells us they have married, directly after this scene we see a bee pollinating a flower. Within different cultures bees have many different symbols, including symbols such as prosperity and teamwork which could apply to Kate and Anthony, but in the context of pollination they are most commonly associated with fertility, and this is something that Bridgerton has used the bee for previously.  In the epilogue of season 1, after Daphne has given birth, we see a bee present, symbolising fertility and new life, and as the season ended with the bee, it began with a bee. We saw a bee present in the opening of Bridgerton Season 1 just as we begin to hear the Lady Whistledown VoiceOver talk about the Bridgertons being a prolific family, again symbolising fertility - this time of Violet and Edmund. I believe that the presence of the bee, and that it was pollinating a flower, in the epilogue was used as symbolism of Kate's fertility and foreshadowing her being pregnant in season 3. 

Video Credit:  Bridgerton Netflix on Instagram

We have seen that the fertility symbolism surrounding Kate has continued through to the third season predominantly through her jewellery and hair adornments. In the clip from episode 1 showing Kate and Anthony, Kate appears to be wearing what some have suggested are Chandbali earrings, or moon earrings. As I briefly alluded to in my post last week, moon symbolism has long been connected to women, their cycles and fertility.  In some cultures the moon has connections to fertility goddesses, as well as pregnancy and childbirth, so with all these connections it seems logical that the episode titled around the moon will connect into Kate's story and her pregnancy.  Whilst some believe that Kate is showing a baby bump in episode 1, which could lead to episode 2 being the birth of baby Edmund, I am more inclined to believe that episode 2 is the episode that the pregnancy becomes known about.  

Image Credit: Liam Daniel/Netflix

Whilst bees and the moon are some of the more well known symbols of fertility that we have seen surrounding Kate, we also need to look at some of her hair adornments we have seen, which also could be interpreted as symbols of fertility. In the images of Kate with the family ahead of Francesca's presentation, she is wearing hair adornments which I initially thought may be referring to bay laurel wreaths, but I also floated the possibility that her hair adornment was meant to represent the lotus flower as a connection to her culture. I now think it is more likely a lotus flower which has many symbolic meanings, among which is that of fertility. 
The final possibility of fertility symbols in relation to Kate is her hair adornment in the season 3 promotional videos. The hair adornment Kate is wearing in these short promotional videos has the appearance of being stars. As with many things, the symbolism of the stars is multifaceted, but in some religions stars are representative of motherhood, as opposed to fertility only, and the idea of Kate wearing something that resembles stars could be interpreted as foreshadowing - or confirming - Kate becoming a mother. 

Video Credit: Bridgerton Netflix Instagram

As we can see the show has surrounded Kate with symbols of fertility and motherhood from the season 2 epilogue, though whether this is a coincidence or by design we can only speculate, but by doing so the production are sending a message (at this stage) that Kate will be pregnant in season 3.  As one of these symbols being that of the moon it suggest that the second episode (How Bright the Moon) ties into this theme of fertility and motherhood in relation to Kate. 

17 April, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Speculation: Episode Titles and Possible Storylines Part II

Last week I did a post looking at possible storylines and happenings in each episode of part 1 based on my thoughts of the episode titles, this week I am going to look at the episode titles of part 2, and look at what each could have as the main theme or relate to. 

Tick Tock
This is a phrase that is often used by villains in movies when putting pressure on the hero to hurry up with a decision, and whilst I don't think it is to that extent in Bridgerton, I think what this refers to is that time is running out for Penelope keeping Lady Whistledown a secret, though she may not be aware of this until the end of the episode.  

My theory for this episode actually begins at the end of episode 4.  My theory is that we see Cressida find out about Penelope being Lady Whistledown at the end of episode 4, whether she works it out, follows Penelope or Eloise spills the beans (I doubt this, for all her faults Eloise is loyal).  I think in this episode we could see Cressida begin to blackmail Penelope, also to add in a secondary layer, if Cressida's family lost money in the Ruby mine scam Cressida may think that by Blackmailing Penelope she could gain some of that money back for her family.  This is working on the premise that, like in the book, there is a bounty for the identity of Lady Whistledown, this time put up by the Queen.   

I am torn on when Colin finds out, I thought at first it would be in episode 2, then changed to episode 4, but now I am wondering if it could be as late as episode 5, and this is where he finds out her secret (well done Eloise not saying anything earlier, you are a better woman than me!).   It is possible that this is also the episode he suggests they marry after he finds out about the possible blackmail, or about the Queen's threat - especially if by now he has found out about the Queen's threat to Eloise last season. 

Image Credit: Liam Daniel/Netflix

Romancing Mr Bridgerton
This is the episode named after the book, and if it follows the pattern this will be the episode where Penelope and Colin get married.  I have seen some suggest that this is the episode where their feelings are declared, but looking back, in season 1 the episode The Duke and I was the episode they married, and whilst we didn't see it in season 2 the episode The Viscount Who Loved Me is the episode that covered the wedding of Kate and Anthony, needless to say it does not mean that they do not also declare their feelings in this episode as well.  I do not see this as being a straightforward or drama free wedding.  

I think it is possible that Cressida may claim to be Lady Whistledown at the wedding in order to claim the bounty from the Queen, which will lead to drama, I think also this will be the episode where the Bridgertons find out, and it is possible that Eloise will stand up to Cressida and call her out as a liar saying that she knows who Lady Whistledown is.  

Joining of Hands
I know many think this is the episode that Penelope and Colin marry in, but I think that it could be the episode that Francesca marries, as I said above, I believe the previous episode is the one where we see Colin and Penelope marry.  If they keep John's title as Scottish then I can see the naming of this epsiode as alluding to the Scottish handfasting ceremony.   I think there will be movements in other storylines as well, and one of the more obvious is that this could be the birth of Edmund, with the title alluding to Anthony holding Kate's hands during the birth. 

Finally, with this episode, I think there is space for the Lady Whistledown reveal to happen, possibly at the end of the episode as a cliffhanger, similar to what we saw at the end of episode 7 in season 2 with Kate falling off her horse.  The reveal possibly could happen at a ball to celebrate Francesca's marriage (not a masquerade ball though, I have another theory about that which I will discuss in a different post).  

Into the Light
As the title suggests this is the episode where we see a number of characters come into the light, or finally be exposed, revealed or become themselves.  I think we will see Francesca glowing with her marriage, we will see Kate really stepping into the light as a leading lady of the Ton and a mother, but the main plot point for this episode I think will be the public reveal of Penelope as Lady Whistledown.  As mentioned in the previous episode, I think the reveal will be the cliffhanger end to episode 7, and we will see the fallout from the reveal and confession during this episode, and we see Penelope finally showing herself for who she is, and becoming who she should be.  

Along with the public reveal we will see as Penelope gives up Lady Whistledown for good, which will contrast with the end of season 2 when she said she had given it up, but went back to it in the final moments.
Of course, as with everything, this is all fun ideas and theories come up with from the episode titles alone. I don't expect to get any correct, but it will be fun to watch and see how I do! 

11 April, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Speculation: Episode Titles and Possible Storylines

At the Valentine's Day event this year the season 3 episode titles were revealed.  In past seasons the episode titles have been more thematic and in some cases could relate to more than one storyline, and do not always relate directly to the main couple, with the exception of the episode named after the book.  This post will provide my thoughts on what each of the episode titles in part 1 could be about, not this is pure speculation.  

Out of the Shadows
This is the episode that will set the theme and the tone for the season, I think the title itself relates to an overall theme for multiple storylines.  In this episode we will see a number of characters metaphorically stepping out of the shadows as they forge a new path and direction in their lives.  
  • Penelope is the most obvious of these characters as it is her season.  This will be the episode she has her 'make over' where she moves away from the yellows and bright citrus colours her mother favoured towards a palette that is more suited to her, as she embarks on her third season determined to find a husband and move out of her family home.  
  • Francesca is the second character that I believe this theme will relate to.  We will see her stepping out of the shadow of her older siblings and entering society, potentially taking centre stage as a debutante.  As the quietest and most introverted of the Bridgertons, this will mark a big change for Francesca, with episode 1 marking the first part of her journey. 
  • For Kate it won't be so much stepping out of the shadows, as it will be stepping up into a more prominent role in society as the new Viscountess and becoming confident in her new position in society. 
Whilst I think this episode (and indeed much of the season's overriding themes) will predominantly follow the growth of these three women, I think this episode is also symbolic for other characters. 
  • Eloise stepping up to take part more fully in society and, perhaps, finally stepping out of the shadow of Daphne that she felt she lived under in season 2. 
  • Will and Alice Mondrich will be literally stepping out of the shadows in their club and into society marking a big change in their life and fortunes with the inheritance of a title.  
Image Credit: Liam Daniel/Netflix

How Bright the Moon
I will admit that this episode, at first, was a bit trickier for me to decipher, until I did some reading for another post I plan to put up next week.  I believe the main focus of this episode, again, relates to the women, specifically the three young women who potentially will be going through the biggest change this season - Penelope, Kate and Francesca - though I do believe this will mark an important episode for Kate specifically.  For reasons that I will outline in my upcoming post, I believe that this will be the episode that we find out that Kate is pregnant.  

The symbolism of the moon in connection to women is strong, and this is why I believe it will be the women who take centre stage in this episode again.  As mentioned above, I do think that this will be the episode we find out about Kate's pregnancy, but also I see this as an episode where something fundamental happens that moves Penelope towards growth.  We see in the image of Penelope and Colin at the ball, a floral art display of a waxing moon crescent (the phase from new moon to full moon), which symbolises growth, intention and hope.  Finally this episode, I believe, will be a significant episode for Francesca, as I believe it is possible that it will be at the Moon Ball that Francesca meets John.  We have seen an image of the Bridgerton's arrival at this ball showing Francesca in lilac, the colour of first love, and the ball's theme is tending towards lilac as well.  

Image Credit: Liam Daniel/Netflix

Forces of Nature
This is an episode title that has no specific symbolism that I can find, but it is a saying in relation to describing someone with a strong personality, however, it also refers quite literally to the forces of nature, specifically a mighty natural force that is beyond human control.  This could indicate that this is an episode when things are beginning to get out of control for Penelope, and especially in relation to Lady Whistledown.  We have heard in interviews that Penelope will find it more and more challenging to continue with Lady Whistledown this season, and this episode could be where her difficulties with Lady Whistledown begins as events are set in motion that are beyond Penelope's control.  

Image Credit: Liam Daniel/Netflix

Old Friends
This episode title is open to a wide range of theories, but one of the things that first came to mind for me was about the past, looking back.  If this season is about stepping out of the shadows and into the light, then in order for that to happen to include growth within the characters there needs to be a look into the past.  For both season 1 and season 2 we got a look into the past of Simon and Anthony respectively through flashbacks, and for this season I believe we will get a look into the past of Penelope via flashbacks.  I think this is the most likely episode to include flashbacks, and I believe these flashbacks will be centred on her friendship with Eloise, with a bit of Colin.  This could be an episode that has Colin taking a back seat in favour of advancing the story of Eloise and Penelope.  

This episode title also lends itself to being thematic for other stories within the season.  The first possibility within the secondary stories for the season is for Lady Danbury, and the possibility that this episode could be where consequences of Lady Danbury's affair with Lord Ledger are explored, specifically in relation to how it impacts her friendship with Violet after Violet worked it out in Queen Charlotte.  

A second possible storyline this episode title could relate to is that of Kate.  We could see some exploration of Kate's past, and through this memories of her childhood are revived.  With these memories could Kate turn back to an 'old friend' for comfort, though I do not mean another person, but rather something comforting such as an object or activity from her past.

07 April, 2024

Bridgerton Promotion: Can Netflix overcome the negative PR perception?

This is a re-write of a post I did last year on Bridgerton's PR Perception Problem.  Due to how it was received by some, and the abuse I received, I will be restricting comments on my blog for the foreseeable future.  

As the main promotional push for season 3 begins, and with less than six weeks until the release of Part 1, will the Netflix and Bridgerton marketing team be able to overcome the negative perception of the PR that is held within parts of the fandom.  The perception by some is that the marketing team did not want to promote the season 2 leads as a romantic leading couple.  After season 2, and the lack of promotion of the leads as the romantic leading couple, it was believed that perhaps the opportunities they did not have in season 2 (such as interviews with just the two of them, a main poster of them as a couple, and photoshoots that other leading couples had), may come in season 3 as a returning couple.  This hope was dashed for many fans as they saw the 'passing the baton' promo as Netflix sending the message that neither Simone nor Jonathan will be used for season 3 promotion again.  Will this negative perception by some of the season 2 fans be overcome, and can Netflix win them back to Bridgerton as a show for season 3?  

Image Credit:  Jason Bell

From the perspective of some fans the lack of promotion for the season 2 leads as a romantic leading couple was compounded with the elevated promotion of Penelope as a lead character, and Nicola as an actress, during season two.  For many there is the view that Netflix did not want to promote a dark skinned Indian woman and gay man as a romantic leading couple, so instead added a third party to all of their promotion from the poster to their interviews, and gave some couple promotion to Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, who will be the leads for season 3, the optics of this didn't look good for Netflix.  

Image Credit: Jason Bell

This perception, especially in relation to the promotion of a dark skinned Indian woman in Simone Ashley, has just increased as much of the early season 3 promotion through 2022 and 2023 excluded her as a main cast member.  In May 2022 the soft launch of season 3 began with Nicola announcing herself as the lead, (at an event that was widely believed to have been to promote Simone Ashley and season 2 for the Emmy nominations), barely 6 weeks after the release of season 2, and then seemingly taking over the US promotion to promote her character and season, barely mentioning the main story for season 2.  I am not blaming Nicola for this promotional strategy, but it was not a good look for Netflix, Bridgerton or the actress that benefited from taking over promotion from the season lead, no matter whose idea it was, and as the saying goes "perception is reality" and this is never more true than in the world of PR and marketing.  

This was followed 2 months later with the release of a video to announce the beginning of filming for season 3, which noticeably excluded both Simone Ashley and Phoebe Dynevor (the two previous seasons female leads), it subsequently came out that Phoebe Dynevor was not to be in season 3 however questions remained for some fans around why Simone Ashley was excluded if she was returning as a main cast member, especially when it was confirmed a few days later via the actors that Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey were on set for Bridgerton season 3. This left many believing that she had been deliberately excluded by Netflix and Shondaland from the video, and that they did not want to wait until she was on set to include her.  This was a PR blunder by the team as the focus of the video was not on the upcoming leads, but became about questioning the noticeable absence of the season 2 lead, to the point that some online entertainment publications focused on that in their stories about the video, rather than on the new leads.  

The exclusion of Simone in the video to announce filming could have been overlooked by some fans (perhaps), if it wasn't for the fact that official Netflix articles which came out over the rest of 2022, and into 2023, also excluded Simone Ashley's name from the list of returning cast members, whilst naming some actors with very small roles in previous seasons.  For some fans this was viewed as erasure of the South Asian season 2 lead from official Bridgerton marketing, and evidence that Netflix and Shondaland were wanting to forget her and move on to the white women who was leading season 3.  

Some may have thought that the beginning of the more concentrated promotion period was a turn around in terms of the way Netflix would promote the season 2 leads, with the release of an official still of Kate and Anthony, and then a few months later the only non Polin clip released being a Kate and Anthony clip, the hope was that we would see them feature more in the promotion of season 3, just as we saw Penelope/Nicola feature heavily in season 2 promotion.  However, when the initial 'moving portrait' promotional clip of Kate and Anthony was followed quickly with 'passing the baton' promotional videos showing Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey 'handing over' to Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, some saw this as a sign that Netflix are washing their hands of the season 2 leads altogether, and they have very little hope of seeing them feature in anymore promotion this season.  

Video via BridgertonNetflix Instagram

As the season 3 leads are expected to get the promotion deserving of a leading couple, with magazine photoshoots, interviews together as a couple, and a poster that focuses on them as the leading romantic couple - a promotional effort that was never put into promoting a gay man and Indian woman - it could raise more questions as to why a leading couple played by straight white actors are promoted better as the romantic leads than those played by a gay man and Indian woman.   The promotion for season 3 will send a decisive message to the viewers and fans as to how they view their leads, and Netflix has a very tricky time ahead with regards to the promotion of season 3, the leads and the main characters/actors who are not part of the main storyline, and especially how they handle the promotion of the returning couple.    

The promotional tightrope is not limited to the perception of the fans alienated (and hurt) by the lack of promotion of the season 2 couple as romantic leads, but also pleasing the fans of the season 3 leading couple.  The release of the clip of Kate and Anthony, and the Kate and Anthony 'moving portrait' the Polin fans have shown a low level of tolerance for promotion that does not involve Penelope and Colin, meaning that there is a risk that Netflix will anger and alienate the fans of Polin whilst not managing to win back the fans of Kate and Anthony already angered and alienated as a result of season 2 promotion. 

Will Netflix be able to promote Penelope and Colin enough to keep Polin fans happy, give the right amount of promotion to other cast members that need it such as Benedict, Francesca and Eloise, as well as promoting Kate and Anthony enough to not make it seem like tokenism and win back season 2 viewers whilst not angering and alienating the Polin fans as they have the Kate and Anthony fans?  

Netflix and Shondaland have an uphill battle for season 3 promotion to not only make all fans of Bridgerton excited, but to also win back many of the fans of Kate and Anthony.  To be honest I lack sympathy for the position they are in with regards to how the different subsets of fans view them, this is a battle of their own making by failing to promote the season 2 leads together as romantic leads, and their perceived exclusion of the season 2 Indian female lead.  

Bridgerton Season 2: The Problem with Prickly Spinster of a Beast

  Any suitor wishing to gain an audience with Miss Edwina Sharma, must first tame the rather prickly spinster of a beast otherwise know as h...